几年前,函数式编程的复兴正值巅峰,一篇介绍 Scala 中 10 个单行函数式代码的博文在网上走红。很快地,一系列使用其他语言实现这些单行代码的文章也随之出现,比如 Haskell, Ruby, Groovy, Clojure, Python, C#, F#, CoffeeScript。
(map #(* % 2) (range 1 11))
(reduce + (range 1 1001))
(def tweet "This is an example tweet talking about clojure and emacs.") (def is-word? (set ["clojure" "logic" "compojure" "emacs" "macros"])) (not (nil? (some is-word? (.split tweet " ")))) ; Returns true/false
(def file-text (slurp "data.txt")) ; Reads the whole file (def file-lines (clojure.contrib.io/read-lines "data.txt")) ; Reads as a sequence of lines
Since Clojure Contrib has been deprecated for future Clojure releases, clojure.contrib.io/read-lines can be rewritten as (line-seq (clojure.java.io/reader (clojure.java.io/file “data.txt”))) in Clojure 1.3 onwards. Thanks to Aaron for pointing it out.
(doseq [l (map #(str "Happy Birthday " (if (= % 2) "dear Rich" "to You")) (range 4))] (println l))
(dotimes [n 4] (println "Happy Birthday " (if (= n 2) "dear Rich" "to You")))
6. 过滤列表中的数值
(partition-by #(> % 60) [49 58 76 82 88 90])
7. 获取XML web service数据并分析
(clojure.xml/parse "http://search.twitter.com/search.atom?&q=clojure")
8. 找到列表中最小或最大的一个数字
(reduce max [14 35 -7 46 98]) (reduce min [14 35 -7 46 98]) ;; Now both together ((juxt #(reduce max %) #(reduce min %)) [14 35 -7 46 98]) ; Returns [98 -7]
9. 并行处理
;; Assuming process-line to be a CPU intensive function that operates on a line (pmap process-line lines) ; Note the "p" in front of map
10. “Sieve of Eratosthenes”算法
I don’t I have a sufficiently good (in terms of performance & beauty) one line implementation of SoE. I would recommend checking out Christophe Grand’s treatise on the subject titled Everybody loves the Sieve of Eratosthenes for a great discussion on writing real world prime sieves in Clojure.